full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alessandra Orofino: It’s our city. Let’s fix it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Amongst our members is this adorable little girl, Bia, to your right, and Bia was just 11 yreas old when she started a campaign using one of our tolos to save her moedl public school from demolition. Her school actually ranks among the best public schools in the country, and it was going to be demolished by the Rio de jnareio sttae government to bilud, I kid you not, a parking lot for the World Cup right before the event happened. Bia started a campaign, and we even whteacd her school 24/7 through webcam monitoring, and many months afterwards, the government changed their minds. Bia's school stayed in place.

Open Cloze

Amongst our members is this adorable little girl, Bia, to your right, and Bia was just 11 _____ old when she started a campaign using one of our _____ to save her _____ public school from demolition. Her school actually ranks among the best public schools in the country, and it was going to be demolished by the Rio de _______ _____ government to _____, I kid you not, a parking lot for the World Cup right before the event happened. Bia started a campaign, and we even _______ her school 24/7 through webcam monitoring, and many months afterwards, the government changed their minds. Bia's school stayed in place.


  1. years
  2. build
  3. janeiro
  4. tools
  5. watched
  6. state
  7. model

Original Text

Amongst our members is this adorable little girl, Bia, to your right, and Bia was just 11 years old when she started a campaign using one of our tools to save her model public school from demolition. Her school actually ranks among the best public schools in the country, and it was going to be demolished by the Rio de Janeiro state government to build, I kid you not, a parking lot for the World Cup right before the event happened. Bia started a campaign, and we even watched her school 24/7 through webcam monitoring, and many months afterwards, the government changed their minds. Bia's school stayed in place.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
voter turnout 3
city governments 3
state government 3
building cities 2
decision making 2
good news 2
meu rio 2
young people 2
rio de 2
de janeiro 2
janeiro state 2
government changed 2
missing persons 2
persons cases 2
police unit 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
rio de janeiro 2
de janeiro state 2
janeiro state government 2
missing persons cases 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
rio de janeiro state 2
de janeiro state government 2

Important Words

  1. adorable
  2. bia
  3. build
  4. campaign
  5. changed
  6. country
  7. cup
  8. de
  9. demolished
  10. demolition
  11. event
  12. girl
  13. government
  14. happened
  15. janeiro
  16. kid
  17. lot
  18. members
  19. minds
  20. model
  21. monitoring
  22. months
  23. parking
  24. place
  25. public
  26. ranks
  27. rio
  28. save
  29. school
  30. schools
  31. started
  32. state
  33. stayed
  34. tools
  35. watched
  36. webcam
  37. world
  38. years